Waiting for the Lord?

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:14 My brothers and sisters, have we been proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom within our household, in our neighbourhood, at our workplace and with our friends?  Are…

stained glass window - leaving the 99 to find the one missing

Salvation is offered equally to all

Reading: Matthew 20:1-16 Note that in the previous passages (Matthew 19:16-30), the subject was about salvation, following the Lord, and eternal rewards. In this succeeding passage, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a landowner seeking for people to work in his vineyard. We know the story–workers were found early in the morning who agreed…

man on hill

Attitude check

Reading: Matthew 19:8-12 When the disciples heard from Jesus that divorce was never in God’s original design, and that it stands to this day, they responded that it is better then not to marry. This got me thinking–why did they say that? Presented with no option to divorce, they would rather not be married at…

approaching the castle

Living in our Father’s estate

Reading: Matthew 17:24-27 I had to do a bit of searching about the temple tax, as I do not recall reading about it in the OT.  But apparently, it was the atonement money referred to in Exodus 30, paid every time there was a census, and eventually as an annual tax. Now, if it was…