Letter to a friend

03 July 2021

Dear _________ ,

Praise God for good health and His peace, joy and assurance! ….

I heard about the news that you shared….  It does feel that everything that is happening now is a dry run and precursor of things prophesied.  I ask the same question as you—act normal or do things double-time?  I don’t want to be lax, nor do I want to “pressure” myself because I don’t think the Lord wants us to live life that way (His yoke is easy and His burden is light!).  I have read some literature (and very convincing they were, I’d say) about our proactive role to fulfil prophecy.  But through the course of reading my Bible, and some reflection—I don’t think it’s down to us to make things happen.  Our focus should just be on Christ, following His commandments and carrying out His commission—nothing more, nothing less!  Just live everyday as we would in the kingdom of God—His kingdom is already within us, and in His time it will also be fully established on this physical earth.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who do everything they can to prevent prophecy.  Christians themselves seem to be so afraid of the end times that they would vote for political leaders whom they think would steer the world away from this one-world government that is soon coming, regardless if the candidate they’re voting is monstrous and immoral himself.  We do not need to be scared of the Tribulation times—we won’t be here as the Lord will snatch away His church to save His children from the coming wrath!

The bottom line is whatever we do, whatever decision we make out of our free will—God will use that, will use anything and everything to fulfil His Word!  That is what’s so majestic and amazing and wonderful of our awesome God!

On the subject of eschatological teachings being avoided in Church—I hear you!  It is the same on this part of the world (and in our country of birth, I heard).  When I speak or share something about it, reactions have ranged from unbelief to discomfort (even church leaders squirming in their seats) to shutting me up (“There are already plenty of contentions about the end times, so let’s just not talk about it and just focus on God’s love for us mankind.”).  I grieve (perhaps the same despair the writer of Hebrews felt when he wrote Hebrews 5.11-6.1-3).  The Word of God is there—from Genesis to Revelation—given to us not to shy away from, but to delve into, to eat, to be filled with and to understand God’s not-just-any-other-plan but His master plan!  The Lord must be grieving too and saying to His children, “I wrote all this for you, and you are not interested in understanding the whole of it.”

(I must say there are times when I also get a receptive audience—but the overwhelming passion to share, the words spilling and overflowing—it is not us, but the Spirit of God!  So I urge you not to doubt your pure intentions, nor to worry about how people respond.)

A lot of churches, sadly, seem to have been taken up with showmanship, are lukewarm, some of it are even in apostasy, bereft of the Spirit of God.  But do not be disheartened, the Lord is keeping those who have not bowed their knees to Baal (1 Kings 19.18)—and may we be found with them!  Some of them you will still find in church buildings, some in their homes and communities….  Us, together with them, are the Church.  I pray that the Spirit will not be quenched in you, that you will continue to hunger and thirst for His Word, for HIM.  Yes, He HIMSELF will sustain you.  Praise God for His mighty power that is in you as you continue to proclaim His Word!  Hallelujah!

Blessings, my dear sister.  You are wonderful and precious in our Father’s eyes!

Much love,